Fungal infections are one of the most common disorders of the skin, may appear on the skin and nails and can have different shapes, aspects or symptoms. Fungi are the cause of mycoses and are responsible for bad smells, itches and other signs and symptoms of mycoses.
But not all is harmful in the world of fungi in reality are very useful in numerous manufacturing processes of bread, beer, wine and certain types of cheese. They are also used in the production of medicines ( antibiotics and immunosuppressants ) and are responsible for the decomposition of organic matter.
Of the many forms of fungi highlight the dermatophytes and yeasts, because they are the most often cause harm to humans. Dermatophytes are responsible for fungal infections like athlete's foot. Yeasts are the cause of candidiasis. These are superficial mycoses, and the first (athlete's foot) rarely invade deeper layers of the body. The candidiasis can invade deeper layers of the body and dragged chronic cases can be quite severe.
It is important to realize that some of the fungi that live on the surface of our skin and do not usually cause disease in healthy individuals physically and psychologically . Become opportunistic and cause disease when the individual is immunocompromised or sick and therefore more vulnerable.
So what is the best way to prevent fungal infections in the feet?
Is easy to see that a body and healthy mind are the key secrets to make things right with our body and hence with our feet.
However, there are habits that should be part of our daily lives to prevent the onset of fungal infections:-
Briefly we can say that good personal hygiene with their feet and healthy lifestyle habits are the main parameters to eliminate the triggering factors of mycoses.
How to "catch" a mycosis?
The natural habitat of most fungi is the ground and the main source of infection is the air through the inhalation of spores of fungi that are suspended in the air. Some fungi enter the body through wounds caused by spikes plants and manure. Fungal infections can also be transmitted from man to man or by contact with contaminated objects. The fungi that inhabit the surface of our skin and which is not normally cause disease in certain situations can cause disease when conditions are conducive to its development. These situations are often related to changes in the normal health of the individual.
And how to treat a fungal infection in feet?
As has been said a careful hygiene, healthy lifestyles and humidity control of the feet are essential for the prevention and treatment of mycosis feet. However, before an already installed mycosis these precautions are not enough. It is necessary to have recourse to expert help from your podiatrist, so you should indicate the necessary care and treatment. One must keep in mind that each case is different and only an expert can indicate what is best for your treatment.
Here are just some basic advices, which are part of a treatment plan foot dermatomycosis:-
If the ringworm is found in fingernails - onychomycosis - should hold regular consultations Podiatry in order to receive the proper treatment cleaning of nails, to optimize the home topical treatment and able to handle your problem quickly.
“ And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. ” Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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